Monday, May 17, 2010

The disappoinment never ceases

I really cannot begin to say how upset I am; I can't say this will be the most uplifting, encouraging post ever!!!
We were supposed to move! I was ecstatic! I mean... 3 years + is a LONG freakin way coming! But... JUST as I allow myself to believe we are moving, and actually packing the disappointment hit me.
You see, we were supposed to move this coming week. Then we hear that NOPE, the people who are in the house, who was supposed to be kicked out, are planning to move out at the end of June. On top of that is time to fix up the house from whatever damage the prior tenants have done. And THEN we could move in. I don't ever expect to move in to this house, actually. I don't. There is NOTHING to lead me to believe that we will move out of this house until we hit the lottery. I am angry and bitter and unbelievably upset.
I am angry at where I am. I turn 25 years old next month and I can't help but feel bitter and upset about my entire life. Why am I the one who has to live here? I have Grace and Noah and JC and..... (anyone) ....???
How does anyone get in this place? No job, no place to live.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Change is inevitable

I am completely ready for the changes that God has in store for our family! We are moving by the end of the month (provided all goes well with the house!)- Praise the Lord!!! I have not seen the inside of the house yet, I just know if it has a bathroom, kitchen, an area to sleep and is habitable then we can jump in! If it's large enough maybe we will have a cook-out to kick off our new place to live. It's about time!

This week has been interesting to say the least. I had an interview with an interpreting agency and am scheduled to be evaluated to see where my skills are. Of course, I am very nervous! I really don't know where my skills are as of now and I don't really know where I can get a job Signing to help improve my skills! I had two sleep studies done this week. I was praying that after the first night the tech would let me know I didn't need to come back for the second night, unfortunately it didn't work out that way. I didn't sleep almost at all at either of them and today I have a raging headache from the cpap machine that they tested on me last night.

Today was supposed to be the morning that I run the Susan B. Komen 5K. Sadly, I was informed I shouldn't do the race this morning. I was completely bummed out. My told me "it's ok, there will always be other races." Which is very true, I am just bummed out. I have been training for THIS specific race since August 2009 and registered months ago, and sadly I had to bail out. It sucks!! I was excited, just the experience alone would have been phenomenal!! There was supposed to be a record of 50,000 people to show up! :(

I feel really lost right now since I don't really feel comfortable interpreting but I need to continue my skills. The optimal job would to have a job signing for the majority of my day. I can't lose my skills! I am really trying to pray about it, and be patient. I know all in His time I will hear. But I feel so lost and useless.

Grace and Noah's spring program for school was adorable. Their best friend, Jonah, was in it this time. All of them did a fantastic job and were so cute! Grace's last day EVER of preschool is May 27th and then later that night she will "graduate" from preschool. I can't believe she is so old now. I can't believe I am so old now! It's a bitter- sweet feeling all in itself!

JC is still struggling to find a job! We are struggling, but getting by I suppose. I know God has us under His wing. I want to know that we will be ok, but I just have to trust that we will be! That's my downfall- trusting.

More updates coming I presume! Have an awesome weekend all!