Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In the midst...

of.. The Holidays!!
So much is going on in the past few weeks. Grace and Noah had their school program Dec. 11 and it was adorable. I am not so sure when I became so emotional, but I got teary eyed seeing the pictures up on the slide before the program even began. Noah got on stage with his class and I bawled!! Finally got a grip of myself for 2 classes, then Grace got on stage... and, again, I cried! They were so gorgeous and I am really seeing their innocence and joy of being kids and having fun with their friends and being part of such a big group their age. *this may fully impact my decision to, or not to, home school the kiddos!
Noah had surgery this morning. This would make his 3rd surgery, 3rd set of tubes and he had his adenoids removed as well this time. So needless, to say, he is ... sore, and emotional!
It is officially less than one month until Grace's 5th birthday!!! That will be very emotional for me! It's been a long way coming and I just don't think I am ready to let go and allow her to go to school yet! And to continue the tradition my mom started, my mom made a dress for Grace to have her fifth birthday pictures taken in!
JC is now traveling for work. In fact he leaves in a few minutes to go to Nebraska! The kids have never been away from their daddy for more than a day, so it will be new to them and to him. Although, to make sure the kids still get some sentimental time with him, we have two of the same books. So we packed one for daddy and kept one home with us. So that just before bed time, daddy can call us and read the kids the book as they follow along in the book we have here at home.

I have been working so much on running. I am struggling to reach 1.5 miles about 4-5 days a week. I have to really force myself. But it hit me about 2 wks ago just how far a 5K is and I will do it darn it! I WILL!
Another very exciting piece of info. is that I have joined the YMCA's Great Weight Race of 2010 and I am determined to lose this weight. I got my first "fat" comment about a month ago. Since then I have not over eaten or eaten more than one piece of sweet's or candy! Trust me, it's a big deal!!!
We are also now looking to get out this house. Not a theoretical- for SURE! Although we cannot afford much, so we are really trying to bare through this and get out. So hopefully by mid Jan. at the LATEST the end of January we are out and in a place of our own- we will need some visitors!
It's time to wish my hubby off and make sure he is safe. Pray for us and keep US posted about YOU as well!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Time versus Distance

Myself- Things are ok. Health is always an inconsistent part of my life which I would prefer to idolize. I think things will settle down a bit, and BAM* I am hit and starting all over again. Running is going very well. Up until now I have been Running for 2 mins. at 5.7 mph and resting for 2 mins. at 3.7 mph. I would do this for 20 mins. and cool down with a 5 minute brisk walk. Well, late last week it hit me that I wasn't paying attention too much to my distance, just my time. So this evening I decided to change things up a bit and run as long as I can at a steady pace and work at distance and pacing myself. I was able to run for half a mile without stopping or slowing. I think it would have gone better if I had not seen an old friend and chatted for half the time I usually spend running. So now my goal is to up my distance- and not to look at the distance during the run!
I am feeling the pressure to move out. I want to move out on our own and be the wife and mother I have been craving to be for a while now. So prayers for all of us would be much appreciated!
Looking for a job! I finally got my diploma in the mail a while ago, and now I am working towards stepping up my game and improving my skills, more like starting over again since I haven't interpreted in a professional manner in a long while! So, I pray things will pick up in that area. As well as, I had an interview last week for child care. I would like to earn as much money as possible in order to pay off/down some debt, work towards two reliable cars and keeping up with our growing family!!
Kids- wow! This week starts the first week of the new quarter classes at the YMCA and are involved in Gymnastics and Swimming together. They are in separate class names, but classes that are combined- do to age and skill- which is awesome because this saves me time- both kids, same class, same times! The kids are doing excellent in school. Grace is really picking up words and learning that written words put together on paper eventually mean something all together!! So cute. She loves to write! Noah is improving on his letters and recognition.
Trick or Treat?!- Grace was Tinkerbell- no surprise there, and Noah was a crocodile, or maybe it was a dinosaur- it was hard to tell. But they enjoyed it. They were going strong for 50 mins. The 50-60 mins. in to Noah became crabby and once we passed Nana and Papa's house Grace asked to go home as well. They were pooped, but it was a blast and I enjoy the kids and the making memories! I will be posting pics soon of Trick or Treat and Carving Pumpkins! =D
- Right now I am still in much debate about home- school or keeping the kids in their school now. But tuition is expensive! Times two.... Phew! So, we'll see.
JC- life is a whirlwind! JC works all the time and nonstop. He doesn't get to see the kids as often as he, or the kids, would like, and he drives a good distance. So... Things are just going there. Although, we all miss him and enjoy when he is home and attentive to the kids- and not to work .
We are growing as a family... and the biggest news of this month is that Aunt Ashley and Uncle Jimmy are giving Cousin Connor a sibling! WOO... who happens to be due around my birthday! =D Blessings, Blessings all around!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

There is a light- isn't there?

Well, things are certainly on the rise. JC's new job is keeping him occupied to the max. It's sad; I miss him, a lot. The kids are busy bees! Pre-school, swimming, gymnastics, the fun of every day life. I babysit a little boy now, on a part time basis. The kids love him and they interact so well!
Obviously, we have not moved yet. I feel like I mentally know that there is an end in sight, there is a place for our family, but things are frozen in time. I so desperately want to move out and start the family on our own; I need to be the mom and wife I was meant to be. I am constantly stressed out, yelling at someone or something, feeling like I will never get out- it hurts. I know that some day we will move out, but I feel so down and discouraged.
My health has taken a turn for the worst. The pain has returned and the misery is almost constant. I am trying to push through, but it's difficult. Especially because I have had to cut down on my exercising.
Prayers are always needed and welcomed....
Maybe some help to get myself back in to my positive thoughts could help... who knows!
Somewhere down this tunnel is a light..... isn't there?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Life, schedules, chaos

Life is changing and oh my our schedule is too!
One week ago the kids and I would wake about 7-8a, head to the gym, eat lunch and play around until dinner. This week? The kids go to school from 8a-11a, while I am at the gym every morning M-F, shower, pick up the kids at school @11a, lunch and head back to the gym for either swimming or gymnastics class for the kids. After? Back to mom and dad's house to relax with a movie and snack till dinner. Then to church for aerobics or choir practice. Then running around at home, bathe the kids, clean, laundry and the kids' homework before bed. Such chaos! Run here, run there! And in the mix I am confused- Do need a job? Should I get one? Where? I need enough pay in order to earn money outside of paying off the kids' preschool. When will we move? Where?
So, now I have some things to think about, and I feel like time is not passing quick enough! Wish us luck!!!

The kids' are doing well in school. Grace is in the 5 year old preschool class and Noah is in Grace's old child care room. He is much more stubborn!! For some reason this crazy attitude that I have no idea where he got from... really is stressing me! Walking up and pushing kids? Yelling at someone as if he were mad, even though you are talking to him nice. I am not sure where all of this is coming from. I am looking in to home school. I would love to go back to school, but don't know if I should, or where! Much to do, much to think about!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Woltz's X 4- and what?

Our gorgeous family is made up of Daddy- JC- 26 1/2 yrs old, myself as Mommy- 23, our oldest gobblin- Grace- 4 3/4 yrs old, and our youngest gobblin- Noah- 3 1/4 yrs old!
Husband and I have been married for 5 wonderful years and together for almost 9 years! We have been tried through rough times and loved through the most vulnerable of times...
The kids are heading back to school and growing their brains in to philosophical teens, or so it feels. They are incredibly smart and cannot believe how intelligent the kids are!
Hubby accepted an offer for a new job, so he is no longer with LCS. He is working all day long and lucky if he gets home before the kiddos are in their beds. But the maul JC when they finally do get to see him!
I am infatuated with the Deaf culture and world of Sign Language/ Interpreting, so I am working on a few things. Although, signing is my love and cannot wait to get a chance to get out and do so much more interpreting!
In a couple months the four of us should be moving to a place of our own- we have been living with JC's parents for just over 2 years now! They have supported us and helped us through some pretty rough times- more particularly my health complications.

The four of us are ready to move on and continue to a new step as a family of our own- not that we do not or have not been blessed with the greatest families ever- Mom and Dad, and JC's Mom and Dad have been the utmost support we could ever ask for- thanks... we love you!!

Stay tuned- more to come later!