Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In the midst...

of.. The Holidays!!
So much is going on in the past few weeks. Grace and Noah had their school program Dec. 11 and it was adorable. I am not so sure when I became so emotional, but I got teary eyed seeing the pictures up on the slide before the program even began. Noah got on stage with his class and I bawled!! Finally got a grip of myself for 2 classes, then Grace got on stage... and, again, I cried! They were so gorgeous and I am really seeing their innocence and joy of being kids and having fun with their friends and being part of such a big group their age. *this may fully impact my decision to, or not to, home school the kiddos!
Noah had surgery this morning. This would make his 3rd surgery, 3rd set of tubes and he had his adenoids removed as well this time. So needless, to say, he is ... sore, and emotional!
It is officially less than one month until Grace's 5th birthday!!! That will be very emotional for me! It's been a long way coming and I just don't think I am ready to let go and allow her to go to school yet! And to continue the tradition my mom started, my mom made a dress for Grace to have her fifth birthday pictures taken in!
JC is now traveling for work. In fact he leaves in a few minutes to go to Nebraska! The kids have never been away from their daddy for more than a day, so it will be new to them and to him. Although, to make sure the kids still get some sentimental time with him, we have two of the same books. So we packed one for daddy and kept one home with us. So that just before bed time, daddy can call us and read the kids the book as they follow along in the book we have here at home.

I have been working so much on running. I am struggling to reach 1.5 miles about 4-5 days a week. I have to really force myself. But it hit me about 2 wks ago just how far a 5K is and I will do it darn it! I WILL!
Another very exciting piece of info. is that I have joined the YMCA's Great Weight Race of 2010 and I am determined to lose this weight. I got my first "fat" comment about a month ago. Since then I have not over eaten or eaten more than one piece of sweet's or candy! Trust me, it's a big deal!!!
We are also now looking to get out this house. Not a theoretical- for SURE! Although we cannot afford much, so we are really trying to bare through this and get out. So hopefully by mid Jan. at the LATEST the end of January we are out and in a place of our own- we will need some visitors!
It's time to wish my hubby off and make sure he is safe. Pray for us and keep US posted about YOU as well!!